EDC Gold has unveiled its new breakthrough product that will enable all of us to earn significantly more income and from a much wider market. This product will also dramatically increase the market size that an EDC Gold distributor can contact.
EDC Gold and In Touch Media Group have put together the ultimate internet marketing solution for ANY business that is attempting to grow using the internet... PROMO BLACK BOX.
Here are just a few facts to consider:
-There are 25,000,000 U.S. Businesses
-There are over 3,300,000 businesses with 1-5 employees.
-It is estimated that over 10,000,000 U.S. employees work in the areas of marketing, advertising, and sales.
-According to PriceWaterhouseCoopers the Internet will remain the fastest-growing advertising medium, growing to a projected $18.9 billion in 2008 with a 12.7 percent growth.
-Less then 10 % of all businesses are proficient with internet advertising. They desperately want to become effective using the internet.
-There are an estimated 11,000,000 searches done each month on the internet regarding marketing, advertising, and promotion. People are looking for solutions.
-According to one national survey the number one problem for businesses involves marketing and sales. We have also found that people who are already involved in business are great prospects for the EDC Gold program. It is also true that people who may not immediately sign up for EDC Gold are still interested in internet marketing as well as sales systems and will love this new program.
Now you have an even better chance to turn your leads into sales!
PROMO BLACK BOX is the ultimate internet marketing package designed for businesses. Any company can now have access to a series of marketing tools that are not available in any other offer.
One of the PROMO BLACK BOX tools is called The Search Chameleon. Imagine if you web site were able to change and adapt to every single visitor? That is exactly what The Search Chameleon can do.
How about another service called SalesScout? This is a lead generation system that tells you what people really think and the exact words to say to someone to get a sale.
Products like this and more are now available in the PROMO BLACK BOX.
EDC Gold is offering PROMO BLACK BOX because as a distributor we want you to have the ability to sell more products to a wider range of people.
Here are some of the key points to understand:
- We know that there are some people who may not be ready to become a distributor but want to improve the business that they are in.
- EDC Gold has assembled an amazing inventory of software products designed for internet marketing.
- EDC Gold has just entered into an agreement with In Touch Media Group, the developer of LeadStreamer, to market ITMGs other breakthrough corporate internet marketing services and software (The Search Chameleon, SalesScout, Google BootCamp, etc.).
ITMG has just agreed to develop a lead program focused on generating customer leads (called BizStreamer.com) for EDC Gold distributors just like LeadStreamer.
This new lead program will be targeting those 11,000,000 monthly searches carried out each month for marketing, advertising or promotion. That is HUGE group of potential customers.
The leads generated by BizStreamer.com can be offered PROMO BLACK BOX and the EDC Gold program. You will now have an even better chance to sell something to ANY prospect!
There is much more to learn about this new program. Don't miss out on our PROMO BLACK BOX training calls! We will describe the entire program and how you will benefit from it. Don't miss them!
9 am Pacific, 11 AM Central, 12 Noon Eastern, 5 PM in the U.K.
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