Monday, July 24, 2006

How to Attract Endless New Distributors and Customers to You

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**Continued - Click Here!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

More Weight Loss Articles

Laws of Success 101-7.19

Most of the 64 Laws of Success are short and sweet, but very important to your success. As the saying goes, sometimes less is more - pay attention! These laws always work when you apply them.

Success Law #7:

Map Out Inspiring Goals.

Are you bored with life? You don't have enough goals!

Your mind never sleeps. Your brain is constantly on the lookout for what it can achieve or create next. When you don't give your subconscious mind specific instructions on exactly what you want, how much of it, and when, it can't perform to the level that is within its power. Scattered and half-hearted instructions to your subconscious produce scattered half-hearted results in your life.

What is it that gets your juices flowing? What gets you so excited that you can't sleep at night? What do you want and why? What do you dream about? Write them all down!

Fill out an "order form" of exactly what you want, how much, and by when, then give it to your brain by reading it (preferably out loud) at least three times every day. Make sure to include specifics such as amount, size, color, date and any other details that are important to you. Leave nothing to your brain's interpretation - spell it out clearly and concisely (there's a big difference in your mind between the vague "I want a new car" description and the more precise "I want a new metallic blue Mini Cooper GS," you see?}.

Your subconscious will go immediately to work to create your goals as results in your life. Along the journey of creation, your mind, now having daily instructions, will help make you aware of what to focus on, what to act on, who to pay attention to, and who and what to ignore. Ideas will flow into your mind effortlessly for you to act on.

In addition to achieving your goals, implementing this process will have also helped you learn new skills, broaden your horizons and relationships, and tear down self-imposed walls and fears.

Get'r done! :-)

Success Law #19:

Use feedback to improve on what you're doing.

Once you start taking action, you'll begin getting many types of feedback on how you're doing. Feedback can come in the form of the results that you're getting, praise, help, support, direction, or criticism from others.

Respond to feedback positively, even that which is negative. All feedback should be considered valuable because it is there to propel you to more skills, knowledge, and applications as you adjust and continue to move forward.

Can you see that the universe is telling you how, why and where to improve what you're doing? If you want to get even closer to achieving your goals, listen to the feedback you're getting and adjust your sails to the wind, even if you have to head back to shore to chart a new course.

You may find that much of the time (in fact, most of it!), you're veering off track and having to constantly adjust to eventually reach your destination. This is normal. As long as you are diligent in first listening to feedback and then responding positively to it over and over again, you will reach your goal!

Do you want to reach your goal even faster? Ask for feedback! Ask your customers, clients, prospects, friends, and family members how they feel you're doing in a particular area on a scale of 1 - 10. If you get less than a 10, ask how you could bring it up to a 10, then listen to and thank them for the answer.

Keep in mind that all feedback isn't accurate because it relates to the person giving the feedback more than it does you (or your product or service). Inevitably, some feedback will feel uncomfortable. Before you throw any feedback out with the bathwater, remember to honestly reconsider it again later when you're not so emotionally involved with it or the feedback giver.

Use common sense, consider the source, and allow your gut instinct to tell you whether you should be responding to any particular feedback.

You're going to fall off the bike a lot on the journey to achieving your goal. Just get up, dust yourself off, get back on the bike, and keep riding. The fall itself was feedback on what to watch out for or what not to do next time you encounter a similar situation.

The positive? Your expertise is growing - keep at it!

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© Copyright 2006 and Beyond; Barbie Zabel; All Rights Reserved

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only when this notice and the following resource
tag is kept fully intact:

Barbie Zabel's mission is to help you create greater
prosperity, freedom, health & joy in your life.

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Powerful Persistence Strategies to Achieve Success

The first persistence stategy is taking responsibility for all of your life. It's the first step toward having a successful and fulfilling life. Stop blaming others, stop making excuses, and start changing your actions and reactions to events and opportunities in your life to those of a positive nature.

Understanding that everything you are experiencing today is the direct result of the choices you made in the past makes it easier to start taking 100% responsibility for all of it. Once and for all, vow to give up complaining and start soaring into positive action in the direction of your dreams.

Responsibility is really about control (not blame). Do you want to control your life, or hand that control over to others such as your family, the media, and society?

Every day, remind yourself to take control of those parts of your life that are within your control, and let go of trying to control what or who is not.

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all." ~Dale Carnegie

Persistence Strategy 2 - Keep rolling the dice to come out a winner.

The single most important quality that all successful people possess is the power of persistence. No matter the obstacles, no matter the unforeseen roadblocks, and no matter how huge they appear, those who are or will be successful keep rolling the dice over and over again.

The longer you play, the greater the odds are in your favor of coming up a winner. When you realize that winning success could very possibly be the very next roll of the dice, you'll understand that there's no point in getting discouraged and quitting.

Within every road to successful achievement are buried invisible land mines you're almost certainly going to step on. When you do, don't panic! Remove yourself from the situation, step back and ask yourself these three questions:

1. "What are 3 ways I can move over this obstacle?"
2. "What are 3 ways I can move under this obstacle?"
3. "What are 3 way I can move around this obstacle?"

Give yourself the time necessary to find the answers. They are there, but only when you look for them!

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan, 'press on' has solved, and always will solve, the problems of the human race." ~Calvin Coolidge

Persistence Strategy 3 - Be willing to do whatever it takes.

Within the achievement of every dream lies a multitude of walls, barriers, setbacks, delays, and overwhelming challenges that were leaped over, crawled under, sailed around, and charged right through to overcome. Practice, determination, consistence, persistence (and then even more practice!) are absolute requirements on your path to ultimate success.

The knowledge and acceptance of this truth plus your willingness to do whatever it takes adds the extra push you need to persevere in spite of any temporary pain along the way. Lasting benefits await you!

Do Whatever it Takes Instructions Simplified:

1. Fall down.
2. Get up.
3. Dust off.
4. Repair or rebuild anything broken, bleeding, ripped, or destroyed.
5. Observe what you did to help cause the fall, then change your strategy.
6. Continue on.

"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to." ~George E. Allen

Persistence Strategy 4 - Avoid failure mentality.

There are many actions (or reactions) you can choose to take when you hit a brick wall on your road to success. The responses listed above will keep you moving forward in a positive direction. The three listed below simply won't work.

Denial: Some people don't want to face the fact that there's an obstacle in the way and that they have to change their course to get around it. Instead, they keep doing what they've done to get there over and over again, producing the same dismal result each time.

Quitting: Those who give up and quit have (and develop even more of) an inner attitude that they don't have what it takes to succeed, they're not smart enough to meet their goal, or that they simply don't deserve to have success. All quitting really does is keep you stuck in the same place and mindset.

Anger: Throwing a temper tantrum and shaking your fist at the obstacle won't move it. It won't budge even when you're ranting, raving, and railing about it to others. All you manage to do is waste a lot of time and energy while remaining stuck in the same place.

Remind yourself of this success affirmation often: "When I feel inadequate, I remind myself that I have all the experience, tools and resources I need to overcome any situation. I think through all possible issues and know that I can rise above them superbly."

You can and will when you believe it!

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© Copyright 2006 and Beyond; Barbie Zabel; All Rights Reserved

Free Reprint, Publish, and Distribution Allowed
only when this notice and the following resource
tag is kept fully intact:

Barbie Zabel's mission is to help you create greater
prosperity, freedom, health & joy in your life.

Make More Money and Get More Time Off with
Barbie here:

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Easy 3-Step Weight Loss!

What are the 3 most important steps you can take right now to get off the weight loss and diet roller coaster once and for all?

Believe it or not, almost effortless weight loss can be obtained by simply 1) writing, 2) speaking, and 3) feeling your goal daily. No kidding! Here's how to do it...

First of all, please be aware that your subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind or willpower. It is where ALL LASTING CHANGE OCCURS. For this reason, you'll mostly use your imagination as your playground since it accesses and affects your subconscious mind directly.

Step One:

Write down EXACTLY what the END result will be when you're successful at weight loss:

A. At your end result, how much do you weigh?
(Hint: What is your INTUITIVE ideal weight?)
B. How much time did it take you to get there?
(Hint: Use your intuition and be realistic!)
C. Imagine how it FEELS to have a body at this weight once again.
(Hint: How great did it feel when you were at this weight before?)

Example affirmative goal:

"By (insert date), I have easily and safely done whatever is needed so that my weight is (insert realistic ideal weight). I feel (insert all positive feelings). I have easily achieved this or something better joyfully and in ways that are for the highest good of all concerned."

Write this paragraph out BY HAND every day. (Do NOT expect to get the same weight loss results by waiting for the 5th day and writing it 5 times - you MUST write it by hand at least once EVERY DAY without skipping.)

Write your weight loss affirmation out slowly, neatly and with CARE, so that your subconscious mind gets the point that YOU ARE SERIOUS and taking the correct time and steps to achieve your goal.

Step Two:

When you're done writing it out by hand, speak your weight loss goal OUT LOUD, preferably in front a mirror looking into your own eyes.

Step Three:

Vividly recall at least three extremely positive experiences when you were at your ideal weight. Write down keywords that describe all the positive thoughts, emotions, and senses you experienced with each situation. (If you recall anything negative, simply leave it out.)

Keep writing until you've described the whole of your experience in as many senses, positive words or phrases as possible. As well as your emotions and positive thoughts, keep in mind your sense of hearing, tasting, smelling, seeing and touching.

Concentrate on each experience.  Relive them by playing mental movies in your mind. Hear the sounds. See the colors.  Smell the scents.  Touch the objects in your surroundings.  Feel all the positive feelings once again.

In your mind's eye, put this mental movie straight out in front of you and amplify every color, every feeling, every sound... Make the movie fill out the entire screen of your mind.

Repeat EVERY morning upon awakening, and EVERY night as you're falling asleep.

That's it! :-)

Don't make the mistake of thinking that this process is so simple that it won't work. In fact, I DARE you to commit to this simple 3-step weight loss system for one whole week!

-- Your Consistent Thoughts Become Your Reality.

Repeated often enough, these actions will create a new CONSCIOUS mental pattern that will:

A. Show up in your thinking first; then
B. Become a part of the way you speak; and finally
C. Almost without your awareness, will become YOUR ACTIONS; and

Happy Weight Loss Trails!

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© Copyright 2006 and Beyond; Barbie Zabel; All Rights Reserved

Free Reprint, Publish, and Distribution Allowed
only when this notice and the following resource
tag is kept fully intact:

Barbie Zabel's mission is to help you create greater
prosperity, freedom, health & joy in your life.

Attain Weight Loss Success with *Life's a BEACH*
Easy Diet Plan for Fast Weight Loss.

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Laws of Success 101-6.9.12

Most of the 64 Laws of Success are short and sweet, but very important to your success. As the saying goes, sometimes less is more - pay attention! These laws always work when you apply them.

Success Law #6:

See every obstacle as a blessing.

You've heard of the sayings, "Within every black cloud is a silver lining," and "When one door closes, a window opens."

It's absolutely true! When you look for the positive in every negative, you find it. The Universe truly does have something better in store for you when you believe it, look for it, and find it.

How often have you felt depressed or even devastated when something unexpected and unwanted happened? Think back on those so-called negative events in your life... What did they lead you to? What opportunities were you able to grasp and grow into that you wouldn't have been able to otherwise? What did you learn from them? Are you a stronger person now? What achievements or advancements came as a direct result of what you once believed was devastation?

Choose to believe that everything shows up in your life for a positive reason - to move you toward growth, wisdom, and much better life and relationship conditions.

"One’s best success comes after his greatest disappointments." ~Henry Ward Beecher

"I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy." ~Anthony (Tony) Robbins

Success Law #9:

If you don't know how, find and learn from a resource.

No matter what your dream consists of, someone somewhere has probably already achieved it.

Learning something new requires change, work, and sometimes inconvenience. Achieving and then living your dreams requires that you get out of your comfort zone.

Make it okay with yourself to feel uncomfortable, and seek out those who have already paved the road before you and left a trail in the form of:

- How-to books, tapes, CDs, videos
- Internet resources such as ebooks, audios, videos, email and online courses
- Anyone whom you would consider a teacher, mentor, or coach in your area of interest; ask to interview, assist, volunteer or intern for
- College or other courses & workshops

Find, listen, study, learn, grow... succeed! Take action today.

Success Law #12:

Be the person who has already achieved the goal.

Take a few moments right now to think about what a person who has achieved the goal you desire is like. How does that person think? How does that person move and walk? How does this person act? How does this person feel? What does this person talk about? How does this person dress?

What kinds of places does that person visit? What kinds of books does that person read? What types of restaurants does that person frequent? What does that person do for recreation? What does he/she do to relax and unwind?

Now, start doing those things too! Your brain, your subconscious mind, and even your body get the message that your desire is true for you right now and will find even more creative ways to actually bring it about in your world.

Test drive a new car that this person would have. Tour houses for sale that this person would own. Shop where this person would shop. You don't have to buy anything right now, but test drive, tour, and shop confidently and assuredly as if you are already the person in your mind that has achieved the goal.

Make the choice to purchase at a later date, but enjoy the reality of the shopping experience and how it makes you feel - the textures, smells, colors, people, things, etc.

Bring those experiences and the confidence created to your own world again and again, and soon.... it will be yours.

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© Copyright 2006 and Beyond; Barbie Zabel; All Rights Reserved

Free Reprint, Publish, and Distribution Allowed
only when this notice and the following resource
tag is kept fully intact:

Make More Money and Get More Time Off!
Start your own success story by applying the
64 Laws of Success. Get them free at

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