Thursday, December 28, 2006

Exclusive Law of Attraction Teleseminar

Exclusive teleseminar will explore how to apply the Law of Attraction to help you create a Miracle in Your life in 2007!

Many of you may recall the name FEED333 from email invitations you've received by others, the Today Show last Friday, or on the radio. This organization has created quite a buzz by raising enough money in less than 30 days to feed nearly 150,000 children!

There's less than a week left in their campaign, and Jack Canfield of "The Secret," and "Chicken Soup for the Soul," has offered to help by doing an Exclusive Live TeleFundraisingSeminar on Thursday, December 28th at 6pm PST.
This exclusive teleseminar will explore how to apply the Law of Attraction to help you create a Miracle in Your life in 2007!

You'll have the opportunity meet the founder of FEED333, Spryte Loriano, and discover how Jack Canfield was the direct inspiration for the entire campaign. This live call is hosted by internet marketing specialist, Alex Mandosian and is sure to be an electrifying and inspiring way for you to kick off 2007!

If you're unfamiliar with FEED333, it's a simple program that is focused on "feeding" its donors as its feeding the children. They do this by providing every donor instant access to thousands of dollars worth of free empowerment tools by many of today's leaders in human potential.

Click here for more info.

You have the opportunity of watching your donation grow by using their fun "pay-it-forward" system. Their program is a giant first step in teaching us all how to not only help feed a child's body with food, but a child's mind with possibility. We do that as we "feed" our own mind with possibility and share it! You'll hear how it works on the call.

Register for the call here.

When you provide a tax-deductible gift of even $1 that goes to support three of the Most Efficient Charities in the Nation according to Forbes Magazine, you will immediately receive access to incredible gifts that "feed" you! Gifts to you include a growing list of E-Books, Mp3's, Pass-Along Movies, Tele-Courses and Specials from Today's Best Human Development & Peak Performance Leaders!

Here's a Sampling of Contributors:

Robert G. Allen
Michelle Blood
Jack Canfield
T. Harv Eker
Arielle Ford
Jon Gordon
Mark Victor Hansen
Alex Mandosian
Freddie Ravel
James Arthur Ray
James Twyman
Neale Donald Walsch
Alexandra Watson
The Sedona Method
Spiritual Cinema!

"The Secret," and many, many more!

Join one of today's best loved and respected teachers, Jack Canfield, and discover how you can create a Miracle for yourself and for all the children on the planet in 2007.
Thursday, December 28th at 6pm PST

Register for the call here.


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