My son, Chris ... is HOME
For those who have written me and are following my *Family Affair* (giggles)...
I picked my son, Chris up at the airport in the a.m. on Tuesday, October 17! As a reminder, he is returning home for R&R after a year in Iraq.
Chris was stationed in Hawaii (where he returned to from his one year Iraq experience the middle of September) and made it through the earthquake crisis to get on his scheduled flight to Ohio (HOME!). Things were a bit shaky there on Sunday when all flights were canceled and his island was totally out of power (Oahu), but he was able to board Monday night, and he arrived in Ohio close to 10 a.m. Tuesday morning, back to his family where he belongs.

He is experiencing a bit of anxiety at times related to post traumatic stress (he did experience some combat), but is otherwise our same Chris! We'll be able to help him release what he needs to while embracing his growth from his experience (which he's well on the way to doing) - he's here till November 14.
We're hijacking him for the entire weekend... In fact, we are leaving as soon as hubby Rob gets home from work today to travel to my sister's (and family) a couple hours away (where 3 kids will be tacking Chris to the ground, I'm sure, as soon as we arrive). We'll spend the night and continue on our journey another two+ hours to southern Ohio where Chris' sister, Renee is finishing up college at Miami U. She'll be showing off her new apartment and taking bro and parents to see the sights.

Anyway, I wanted to step in and say HI and let those interested know that Chris has returned safely as we all intended, Iraq and earthquake or NOT!
Thanks VERY much for your thoughts and prayers!!!!!!!
Warm smiles,
<3 Barbie
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