Thursday, August 31, 2006

Keep an Eye on this Wonderful New Viral Advertiser

There's an imaginative new viral advertiser in town - LuckyOpp - and I advise that you keep an eye on it and get in when it starts to get really HOT (which I'm betting it will!). You'll want to ride the wave of LuckyOpp's popularity as it rises, because not only will you be able to virally spread your advertising message all over the place, your commissions here are $47 a pop if you're a pro!

This is your Lucky Day! Visit and read the entire page to get the full scope of LuckyOpp's viral advertising potential. You'll be using the same methods as Yahoo, Hotmail, PapaJohns (and more) and advertise to people that you would otherwise never reach - ever!

As the site says, "With this viral marketing opp, you'll really reach HUGE amounts of people about your programs, with this NEW 1 of a kind advertising method that we just rolled out! This is a surprising use of the "Tell A friend" method, never seen or used before - until now."

Check it out here, then keep an eye on your junk mail and safelist subject titles - you're going to start seeing this baby everywhere, which will mean that if you're a member, YOUR ads will be being viewed by an ever-growing audience!

NOTE!! LuckyOpp members who turn PRO can head over to my new Yahoo group where we can earn LuckyOpp points to post & send even more ads!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

White House Destroying One of the Last Great Places on Earth

A Community Service Message

Robert Redford on the Arctic Refuge: "Destroying one of the last great places on Earth will NOT make a dent in gas prices or wean us off Persian Gulf oil."

Nearly fifty thousand people have already watched and forwarded Robert Redford's video message about the Arctic Refuge since we first put it online last Thursday, making it one of this week's most popular videos on the Internet.

That's a terrific start. But we're aiming to double that number in the next few days. With the Senate heading for a September showdown over the fate of the Arctic Refuge, we've only got a few weeks left to mobilize one million Americans.

What are you waiting for? If you haven't found the time to watch our video yet, take two minutes right now. It's so easy to do; you don't need any special software or downloads.

Click here to view the 2 minute video!

Friday, August 18, 2006

My Son, Chris, is Returning from Iraq!


But, I just got a call from Hawaii (where my son, Chris, was stationed before deployment to Iraq last year) to say that they're organizing a welcome home reception for September 17!!!!

This means my kid will be back in the states VERY SOON, will spend 2-3 weeks in his barracks there in Hawaii, and will then get a WHOLE MONTH off to come HOME to Ohio!!!

Please join with me in the powerful intention that he return safely home to us as scheduled.

Thanks so much!


*Abundant Prosperity Now* Slideshow

Saturate Your Mind with Wisdom, Knowledge and Success

Most of us were trained from very early on not to expect too much from ourselves or life itself. Our personal dreams might have been too big for our audience to believe in (remember your mom, dad, teacher, friend or other acquaintance roll their eyes at you?), and we vicariously took on their limiting belief.

We may have produced what we felt was a work of art that got criticized when we showed it to others.

If you grew up in a house with a critical family member or more, you may have taken on the belief that you just can't do anything right.

Our society, our schools, our homes, propaganda, gossip, and other forms of media we pay attention to daily is chock full of "not good enough", "not possible", and "don't deserve" sorts of messages streaming at us constantly.

The good news is you CAN retrain yourself out of this nasty and debilitating groove. However, to overcome possible decades of this negative conditioning, you'll need constant reinforcement of new power thoughts on a consistent basis.

All you have to do is listen to motivational audio CDs or cassette tapes on the subject of your choice every day.

Do you commute? Stick a motivational CD about exploding your personal power in and passively listen while you drive. Do you think your job performance might improve? How about if you listen to these types of CDs every day for a year? Do you think you'll still be working at the same job? Do you think you'll be earning the same salary?

Find moments in your every day life to fill with positive and exciting reinforcement of the beliefs YOU want to acquire. Get a headset and try out some the ideas listed below.

Listen while...

Working in the kitchen; preparing, cooking, cleaning up
Jogging, walking
Lunch break
30 minute break right after work
Baths, showers, getting ready for your day
Falling asleep for the night
Grocery shopping, standing in line
Knitting, sewing, crocheting, etc.
Painting, crafts, etc.

There are moments throughout your day that can be utilized to help make you feel and perform better than you ever thought possible.

When you saturate your mind with consistent positive reinforcement, you'll find that your once unattainable dreams really ARE within your reach after all.

Take a joy ride through the links below to find just the type of motivation you're looking for. As you begin to hone in on your particular interests, don't hesitate to search your favorite engine for even more.

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© Copyright 2006 and Beyond; Barbie Zabel; All Rights Reserved

Free Reprint, Publish, and Distribution Allowed
only when this notice and the following resource
tag is kept fully intact:

Barbie Zabel's mission is to help you create greater
prosperity, freedom, health & joy in your life.

Make More Money and Get More Time Off with
Barbie here:

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Promote Your Prosperity!

Come and share your heart & soul alongside your products and services with other like-minded people. We support each other to establish credibility & trust, and create new clients & customers.

At Promote Your Prosperity, we know that:

The person BEHIND your products and services (YOU) is WHAT WILL SELL THEM! The more valuable you become to others, the more you are pursued.

When you network by sharing yourself along with your product, you don't have to "sell" and you don't have to ask people to join your business - they ask YOU!

Here at Promote Your Prosperity, we work smart instead of hard. We attract people to US. We become the hunted instead of the hunters... all by sharing ourselves and supporting one another.

We invite you to come build meaningful connections and long-term relationships.

Share your successes and how you feel you attained them.
Share your challenges and what you did to overcome them.
What resources or learning systems have worked for you?
What books, authors, tapes, seminars and/or mentors have really made a difference in your life?

Come meet others who share your passion and a similar mission.

Join Promote Your Prosperity. We look forward to meeting you!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Weeds in our Lives

Isn't it amazing how you never have to water your weeds or nurture them and they still give you an unwanted crop?

I can remember as a young boy growing up in Santa Cruz, California my grandfather showed me how to dig up this pesky weed called Bermuda grass. It was terrible stuff and it would really spread if you didn't get it out by the roots.

That was then. But more recently when my wife and I bought our first home about 8 years ago; guess what I had to deal with? If you said weeds, you are correct. There was this certain patch of weeds that was similar to the Bermuda grass. In other words, just as invasive.

After getting the inside of our home settled, it was time to work on the outside. On my hands and knees I vigorously attacked the weeds with a small hand trowel getting each one out by the roots. Spring after, spring that was my ritual.

Just this Spring I realized that one particular weed was no longer prevalent but another one was in full force. So again, I got down on my hands and knees and got to work ridding them from my yard. When I was finished, my yard was better off.

What hidden message is this true story purveying? Sometimes our life can be oh so similar. Yes, we all have weeds in our life. These weeds can be challenges, setbacks, negative beliefs, or naysayers, and the list can go on and on.

The solution is when dealing with these weeds of life is to get to the root of it and remove them one by one and eventually you will conquer this round. And when another crop of weeds shows up, deal with them directly before they spread, because now that you know what to do with them by getting to the root of it, it will give you more courage and wisdom the next time a problem crops up.

You could say we all need weeds in our life to challenge us to grow. Once you know how to handle the weeds in your yard to make it beautiful - so too will your life be.

Written by Tony Masiello
Tony Masiello is a speaker, author, and consultant. He is the author of the e-book, Whispers from the Universe, which is a collection of writings that will help you, motivate you, inspire you and guide you along the inner path of your life. You can visit his website at ... Whispers from the Universe >>>

Tony has produced a very special series of five of his inspirational stories which includes The Weeds in our Lives and you can view them at ...
5 Parables of Inspiration

Need Cash Now?

Are you ready to change your life drastically? Do you want to learn to handle larges sums of money quickly? Do you truly believe deep down inside that you are worth abundance?

Create Wealth in Your Life Now

I'm looking for people who are serious about receiving money and who truly have the desire and need to generate a thousand dollars or more in the next week or two. I really want to help you if you're serious about catching a financial life line to success and independent wealth.

-no selling or convincing
-not a business
-not a company or corporation
-not MLM
-not a commercial enterprise
-no products or services to sell
-no seminars to attend
-no tapes or manuals to buy
-English speaking
-able to move US funds

Don't Let Excuses Hold You Back from Financial Success. Contact us for your free invitation here:

Your Prosperity Circle

Love Yourself Thin; A Powerful Prescription for Weight Loss

I'll bet it's no secret to you that sometime, your negative emotions and outlook interfere with your weight loss program. It's difficult to stay motivated to lose weight when you feel bad and you're seeing the world through gloomy glasses. For those of us who are overweight, overeating usually accompanies negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, fear, guilt and anger.

The more positive your self-esteem and the better you feel about yourself and your world, the faster and easier it will be for you to lose weight. When you are self-confident, you are better able to take charge of your life. The higher your self-assuredness, the longer those pounds keep coming off and staying away.

So, for permanent weight loss, start to build and maintain a high level of confidence and self-esteem right now in this very powerful way....

Research has shown that the more you acknowledge your successes, the more confident you become in diving into and accomplishing new ones. When your self-esteem is high, mistakes or failure don't topple you. You survive, adjust your actions, and continue on until you do succeed.

Have you ever told anyone that you are your own worst critic? Most of us treat ourselves much more harshly than anyone else, even those we dislike. So starting now, you'll receive daily acknowledgment that is the absolute most important - your own.

Give your subconscious mind the positive nurturing it needs to continue to pursue higher and higher achievements. Give yourself the gift of changing your negative beliefs about yourself to those of nourishing praise. Here's how...

Before going to bed each night, stand in front of a mirror, look directly into your own eyes, and praise yourself out loud (whisper if you have to) for all that you accomplished that day.

As you're looking into your eyes, say your name, then "I appreciate you for ___ ___ ___" while maintaining eye contact with yourself.

Did you get some chores done that you weren't looking forward to? Did you keep any personal disciplines up (like taking your vitamins, exercising, dietary considerations, meditation etc.)? Were there any temptations that you refused to give in to?

For some, it may be a big accomplishment just to get out of bed in the morning, get cleaned up and dressed for the day. For others, even taking the trash out feels great. No accomplishment is too small - name them all!

When you've named all that you appreciate yourself for, wrap the experience up by saying, "Thanks. I love you." Maintain eye contact for another few seconds to really feel your own appreciation.

The first few times you do this experience, you may experience some discomfort, flushing, embarrassment, or even tears. These are normal reactions since we have been trained not to boast about ourselves. You probably aren't used to being so lathered with nourishing and deserving love and praise either. These reactions will naturally fade away as you continue to do the exercise.

Do this mirror praise every day for at least four to six weeks (the rest of your life is highly recommended!). You'll find that your negative thoughts and self-talk about yourself will simply disappear. Your self-confidence will soar right up along with your growing self-esteem. Your weight loss efforts will become easier and easier.

Not only will your body shrink, you'll be a transformed more loving and positive person, from the inside out.

Get started tonight - you deserve it!

Happy Melting!

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© Copyright 2006 and Beyond; Barbie Zabel; All Rights Reserved

Free Reprint, Publish, and Distribution Allowed
only when this notice and the following resource
tag is kept fully intact:

Barbie Zabel's mission is to help you create greater
prosperity, freedom, health & joy in your life.

Attain Weight Loss Success with *Life's a BEACH*
Easy Diet Plan for Fast Weight Loss.

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